It occurred to me recently that this blog may be the result of a mid-life crisis. Afterall, 37 plus 37 makes 74 - that used to be the average life expectancy for a man... Then, I thought better of that proposition, for many of my good friends are well over that age and looking fit and healthy. So, I'll live til a hundred and we'll call fifty my midlife crisis time! The truth is that I'm having a good deal more fun with this project than I though I would... for starters, it seems to be dragging me in directions I never thought it would lead - even as far as having a conversation with a sworn atheist about the meaning of life and the great human God that is money! Now, I'm not an atheist, but I do agree that there may indeed be nothing in store for us after this life. But my kind of nothing and his are two entirely different prospects!
As far as I'm concerned nothing and everything are two sides of the one coin. Let me explain... if you didn't have nothing, then how could you have anything at all? Surely nothing holds everything in shape? If I give you a box with nothing in it, doesn't that define the box! Isn't space a whole load of nothing? Imagine the universe without space - wouldn't it be one long hunk of rock! This line of argument annoyed my atheist friend, who was adamant that finality meant no afterlife, no God. Maybe he's right, but if everything can't exist without nothing, then surely nothing can't exist without everything? So perhaps we do go to nothing for awhile, leading us to something else!
God, I hear you say, the poor boy has finally lost it!
And what has this got to do with the Pebble project? Well, just as everything depends on nothing, my house is depending on my debt being paid! Right now, it only belongs to me on a promise... and the promise lies in my ability to pay. Now, if I could only get the forces of the Universe behind me to speed that process on!!!!